Monday, September 26, 2011

The Final Phase

Challenge #84

Fall began just three days ago in our Northern Hemisphere and ushered in the season of the shedding of the year's past. There are 96 days left until 2012. Winter solstice will begin on December 22, 2011.  The days are getting shorter, sunlight is less a part of our day. Time is beginning to have an effect on us environmentally, physically and emotionally, should you want to plan a course of action for the new year.

I challenge you to start today and
1. Make a list of the things you want to complete for the rest of this year.
2. Give gratitude for the things you have been able to  manifest and complete in your life this year.
3. Become aware of holiday plans, dinner, meals, entertainment from the major ones such as Rosh Hashanah, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and any others I have left out that may have importance to you. Outline them and organize the tasks you need to complete for them.
4. Take a look at what you want to accomplish for 2012. How do you want it to look, how do you want to be? What would you like to have happen next year? What is it that you would like to manifest.
5. Begin to make a plan of action to make next year happen!!

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