Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Measuring Up

Challenge #78

When taking a look at yourself in comparison to others, how do you measure up? Is measuring up important to you? Society tends to make us compare ourselves to others through popular media and other forms of monitoring. Family can very much be a direct influence in comparing ourselves to each other. When you see or meet someone randomly on the street or in public places, do you size them up instantly in comparison to you? Does it take a situation for you to sum someone up? Or do you find pressure in trying to constantly measure up to others standards, especially among family or close friends?

I challenge you to sum up all your parts, that is, materially, financially, physically, socially, ethically, spiritually and emotionally. Get a little book and categorize all of your elements to who you are and start rating each element of yourself  of what you like and do not like about yourself from 1 - 10.  Then go back and rate yourself 1-10 again but by what you have or hold within each element. Try this exercise with a friend or neighbor and have them rate themselves, and compare... the results may astound you.....

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