Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Challenge #129

Sleep is a wonderful thing. And, enough sleep is even better. Too much can cause problems, but too little can cause even more.  Sleep is defined as a period of rest for our bodies nervous system and consciousness, usually overnite.  Time changes like daylight savings can cause interference with our sleep habits as we have to re-adjust. There are different stages of sleep and it can be beneficial to take mini-sleeps called cat naps of 5-15 minutes during the day in the middle of your routine. 

I challenge you to look at your sleep cycles and to create a plan for better sleeping.  Make sure you are active enough during the day to want to naturally fall asleep, rather than relying on substances to help you sleep, such as sleep aids, alcohol or prescription drugs.  When we wake up through the night, it is usually to go to the restroom or a change in our blood sugar. Have a glass of juice or a small light unmessy low calorie snack like a boiled egg near your bedstand to readjust your blood sugar level so that you can go comfortably and peacefully back to sleep.  Also, I have found that drinking a small to medium blend of mashed banana, warm milk and honey is a great sleep tonic right before I go to bed. If there are other reasons why you are not getting enough sleep, such as anxiety, worry or fear, find a practitioner who can help you overcome the issues so that you can return to good restful and deep sleeping. Enjoy your sleep and do what you can to make the most of it. We need it!!

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