Saturday, July 30, 2011

Clear the Clutter

Challenge #30
How many times have you tripped over the same box in the middle of the room, how long have you said you were going to clean out the garage, while continuing to let items pile up? How long have you been in your mind trying to organize thoughts of doing things but drift off into into the ozone instead? Systematization isn't for everyone, yet we all have our own way of organizing our things, our thoughts, our lives, so that we seemingly know where everything is. I challenge you to clear out what you don't and can't use anymore, that isn't useful to you in your lives. Our lives don't have to be picture perfect or run like a super charged computer but organization can be useful to us all. And, the act of clearing the clutter can leave us more time and room for other and newer things in our lives. Notice the positive feelings that come from dong so...

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