Monday, July 18, 2011


Challenge #18

We all probably remember the childhood game of "telephone" made with 2 paper cups, preferably waxed to hold the sound better or tin cans, and string knotted on the ends to create a "telephone line". One spoke while the other listened. If it were done at a party or as a game, one would start a story and see if the story remained the same by the time it got to the last person. More often than not it would end up a very different story altogether, resulting in laughter or frustration. The meaning or translation became transposed into another's interpretation and kept on going. I challenge you to listen. If you do nothing else today, just listen. And then repeat what someone told you back to them to see if you completely understood what they said to you. If you do not understand, have them repeat it to you and then tell you in different ways until you do, and recognize the very point of realization of understanding for yourself. Very often we think that we really do understand the other person, but more times than not, we actually do not. Communication issues are among the top reasons why we do not get along as humans, especially in relationships and it all begins by listening. Learn effective listening and notice how much easier your relationships can be....

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