Monday, July 11, 2011


Challenge #11, Mon July 11, 2011
When carving out our desires and setting an intention doesn't happen quickly enough for us, sometimes we just just don't have the faith or belief that things will come through as we want them to. When you have this belief pop into your mind, creating anxiety, doubt or depression, stop the thought/s and redirect them into understanding that perseverance is persistence of a belief. An unyielding, determined, tenacious path to that which we want despite any obstacles. I challenge you to persevere in anything that you are setting out to achieve. Realize that when you put your desires out to the universe, results don't usually occur overnight, timing is essential for the alignment to be right. so persevere in your desires until you begin to see results. Think of the planted seed that needs to grow with water, earth and air in order to pop the surface of the dirt in order to be realized in our eyes.

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