Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Challenge #59

We can tend to mistake a desire to feel like we belong to someone in a relationship as having actual co-dependency upon them. When we stop exercising independence within our relationships, we are exerting dependence on the partner resulting in an imbalanced and ultimately disintegrating and dissatisfying situation. In an energetic sense, if we are overly giving of our energy to our partner, they may reject it feeling as though it is either too overwhelming, stifling, or feel as though they don't need it. We not only exhaust our supply on them, usually with an attachment or expectation of the outcome in either praise or reward, and then feel bad because we didn't get what we wanted.
I challenge you to look at your relationship and see where your energy is going. See the pattern that your energy has taken in the relationship. Is it time to not be so giving, and allow your partner to give to you? Are you really happy in the way your relationship is, what can you do to become less co-dependent on them and to become more of yourself so that you have more to give, share and cherish?

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