Friday, August 26, 2011

Eye of the Hurricane

Challenge #54

Tropical storms are no stranger to residents of the Eastern US Seaboard. In recent years there has been much material and emotional devastation due to them, what with Katrina, Andrew, Hugo and others. People have lost their history, biography and biology and some risked their lives to help save others. The safest calmest element within a tropical cyclone storm or hurricane is the Eye. The eye can span as little at 2 miles to 200 miles, varying on the speed and temperatures of the winds that govern the storm. While it is impossible and not suggestible to ever try to be in the "eye of the hurricane" during a live tropical storm event, it is a metaphor to follow the path of least resistance in the face of tumultuous times around you, maintaining calm in the swirl of high pressure.
I challenge you to not get caught up in what is going around you for the day and to see yourself in remaining calm and within the eye of the storm. If you are in an area today that could be affected by Hurricane Irene, think wisely, safely and calmly. Do what you need to do while keeping a sense of peace about you.

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