Wednesday, August 24, 2011


Challenge #52
Have you taken the time lately to look at what you will leave behind for your loved ones? What is it that you want to be remembered by and as. Are there possessions that personify you that you desire others to have? How do you desire others to cherish thoughts of you? I challenge you to take a look at what you want to leave behind when you leave this earth plane. Make a list of what you want to give to others, how you want to give it to them, and when you desire the tasks be done. Create a folder and begin to collect the necessary documents in preparation to carry out your desires properly. Write out your legacy, your history. Make it humorous, or serious, heavy or light. What are the things that you have done to contribute to society in a positive light? Think of how you want others to carry on memories of you and your life. If anything, this will help you to realize that you have a place on this earth and that you have the right to be remembered as you wish, you just have to create it...

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