Monday, October 17, 2011

Are you a man or a Woman....then where are your manners????

Challenge # 103

Not until I arrived in California, Los Angeles to be exact, that I would encounter the phenomenon of women speaking over women.  I heard of this phenomenon spoken by frustrated men, exhausted of the voices, the tone, the caliber and the cadence. The underlying yet so obnoxiously overt desire to be heard regardless of anyone else around them, anyone.

Then I began to notice myself, and witness myself the unnerving, unending, incessant, rude and intolerable behavior of the women who want to be men, think they have to be the man, and "act" as men, by speaking over others, women in particular.  Do these women speak over the men close to them or the ones that they encounter objectively at work? I don't know but I suspect they try to overachieve to show their capability of being a man, and do so by default.

I challenge you if you are a woman, to ask yourself if you are trying to be a man, a rude, overbearing man. What is it in you that feels so undeserved that you have to be so rude to your fellow sister?  Where are your manners? Can you please allow a woman to speak before you rush to speak over them as if they are not there? It's not just a kindness, it's a respect for others, insecurity is written all over your face and body. Is that what you really want?

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