Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Yellow Brick Road

Challenge #92

Tapping your ruby slippers 3 times can bring you home and back to reality realizing that you had it all within you from the beginning, or.... not.

Following a path on a journey to find the one person that will bring you what you want most is what sets us off course to begin with. We, especially women, tend to look for wizards in a magical place such as in relationships.  We often times put that partner on the pedestal of mastery when they may not deserve our exultation of their being to begin with.  When really, unbeknownst to us at the time, self-love and self-mastery is the key to our own personal success before we are able to truly share with another.

If we can believe in ourselves enough to create what we want in our lives without thinking someone else will do it for us, or has to do it for us, self-trust is what will set us on our own path of destiny.  It can be a delight, it doesn't mean that you have to go it alone either, if that person or people are on the same paths as you are.  

I challenge you to find your own yellow brick road and begin the journey to what it is, not who it is, that you want in your life.

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