Sunday, October 2, 2011


challenge #90

Today marks the anniversary of the death of Rock Hudson from Aids in 1985.  AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome is still in existence in the world having affected over 60 million people and responsible for over 25 million deaths since its onslaught in the US during the early 80's. The disease is caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV. It is transmitted between people through sexual bodily fluids or blood. People's immune systems are worsened resulting in death once they have the virus. There are over 30 million among us that are living with AIDS now.

I challenge you  to take a moment and mourn the people affected by this still present disease. Most likely you have known of or are personally aware of someone who has died of or been affected by AIDS. In your remembrance of them, appreciate them for who they were, what they were able to contribute to society and how they were able to touch your life. Remember that they each came from somewhere unique unto themselves, they were each borne from a mother's womb and each held an organic cellular base of love.  Remember that they leave behind family members, close friends and pets. Try to not turn away but rather to face this disease as reality and try to do your part somehow in the research and help find a way to discover the cure to save lives.  

You owe it to yourself to get checked periodically if you are sexually active and/or pregnant,  as you can carry the virus through the gestational period as well and infect your newborn . Although treatments have been created to slow the process and make it a bit more tolerable for the infected, there is still no known cure or vaccine yet for HIV.

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