Monday, October 10, 2011

What's in a Holiday...

Challenge #97

Today is celebrated as Columbus Day in the US and in the US territories of Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Many of us are off from work or still on holiday or traveling back to our home cities from a long weekend.

The man Christopher Columbus, was credited for discovering the Americas when in fact there were already an indigenous population here well before he docked his ship and claimed land.  Does the date qualify for a true national holiday or do we seek an excuse to have a long 3 day weekend and take off from work and our regular schedules?

A question to ask yourself. If you could declare a holiday to take a day out of the normal routine, for what would it be for?  I challenge you  to create your own holiday, one majestic day out of the entire year that you personally take off to celebrate. And, if the reason is to celebrate just you for your own being, and it's not on your birthday, so be it.  Start now and really take the time to create your own holiday. Mark the date down and write out all the reasons for your newly created holiday. Give it a bold name. Declare the reasons behind it and how it will be recorded in the annals of your history and how it relates to you. Create celebration around it, decor, food and merriment. Decide where you will celebrate it, what will you wear, who will be with you?  Cheers~!

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