Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lions and Tigers and Bears, oh my!!

Challenge #104

It wasn't the beginning of a journey to meet the Wizard of Oz, but rather, the end to a man's life.

The owner of a private wild animal preserve was found dead last night and over 30 of the 48 wild exotic animals of the compound are running loose within the small town of Zanesville Ohio.  Schools have shut down for the day and the town is on lockdown trying to reign in the animals. Humans are encouraged to stay indoors and away from the animals. There are wild cheetahs, bears, tigers, wolves and more running loose amongst the city with officials on the watch to either gun them down or drive them back towards the preserve safely.

I challenge you to look at your fears of wild animals.  Ask yourself what you would do in this instance, and how would you protect yourself if you were faced with a bear or tiger coming towards you as you are walking into a bank during the middle of the day.  How would you defend yourself? Would you just scream? Would you want a handgun to be able to shoot them? Would you want the right to have a tranquilizer gun with you at all times to shoot it down without killing it? Think about how your would defend yourself in this kind of situation, which until today, seemed just a fantasy as walking down the yellow brick road to find the wizard of oz....

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