Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easy Rider

Challenge #101

Fresh off of taking a few days away from our challenges, (the celebration being one fabulous experience, by the way!!!)  we come back and face Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that have reached global proportions.  Possibly glaringly unaware and possibly deliberately looking the other way to ignore that the former presidential administrations have been planting the seeds for this for decades, the public is now outraged that corporate America has left the a nation in such division between the haves and the have-nots.  Freedom from financial woes is tough for everyone to negate and everyone has to bear down and get through the next few years of economic crises.

Thoughts of running away from the establishment as in the film "Easy Rider" for a an easy retirement off the sale of illegal substances is not the best answer, however, taking your vehicles, be it a motorcycle, van, motor home or car and just taking a brief "freedom" road trip can be a pleasant distraction.    I challenge you to allow yourself a mini "Freedom" road trip and get away for a day or two or three, whatever fits into your budget right now, and see the world from a different perspective. Try to see and experiences things outside your normal daily routine of just getting through life. Having a fresh perspective when you return can be the start of finding personal solutions and possibly significant contributions with others to do your part in helping possibly to turn the situation around, be it involvement with protest organizations, getting involved with local politics, elections, or any movement or incentive to actually make a bigger difference.

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