Monday, October 3, 2011


Challenge #91

Unexpected fortune and happiness is not always in a $25000 desert shrouded in gold over triple fudge with ice cream and a biscuit fresh from a posh upper East Side desertery in Manhattan that bears the name, or carried over into a sister venue of the same served up in a scrumptious dish from Ceaser's casino on the Vegas strip....

Rather, we can find serendipity or the discovery of something beneficial or positive in unexpected ways in our our everyday lives. We can uncover treasures in the path of daily routine.  I challenge you to find something in some way serendipitous to you today.  Sometimes it is simply following the path of least resistance that will uncover at least glimpses of ease, when we lessen the expectation of stress or negativity, we can only find positiveness in it's place...

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